shidduch crisis

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    I cant believe how the shidduch process has evolved into! it is in my opinion, more of a business to some shadchanim who don’t care as much for the person. I would treat people with respect and in the image of H”, rather than just prospects. My brother is now in the process and I see how hard it is for him how is been treated by these” professional shadchan “.

    Shadchanim treat these people with respect, they are human in a sensitive time as it is, they don’t need you to judge them because 1 reference out of 9 that you called said something you didn’t like. Let the bashert decide if it is for her/him or not, it is not up to you, your job is to connect people!!

    that is my humble opinion.


    Does a shidduch crisis actually exist?

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    That depends how you define it


    If this was a forum of shadchanim you might have a point.


    OP: I think you left a “w” out of your username.

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