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Obama Chides 2016 Candidates for ‘Ridiculous,’ ‘Sad’ Remarks

obPresident Barack Obama says the American people deserve better than the outrageous statements being made by 2016 presidential candidates.

Obama is criticizing Republicans Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz for comments they’ve made as they seek the GOP nomination. He says it’s not conducive to good policies or politics.

Huckabee had likened the Iranian nuclear deal to “marching the Israelis to the door of the oven,” a Holocaust reference. Obama says that remark is part of a pattern that would be ridiculous “if it weren’t so sad.”

Obama says some Republicans may be making outlandish statements to try to push Trump out of the headlines. Obama called out Cruz for suggesting the president is the leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Obama spoke at a news conference in Ethiopia.


11 Responses

  1. Mr. President—-the TRUTH really hurts…..More like a suicide pact.. Witness – History—-Chamberlain’s appeasement of the Nazis!!!!!!

  2. I thought the president isn’t running. So why is he commenting on what the republicans are saying. He should not stick his nose were it doesn’t belong. I know he always does but we are almost done with you I don’t want to see or hear you campaigning.

  3. He’s laughing it all off! And the ridiculous, sad commentary is that this guy is young and we’re going to be paying for secret service and for his support for years and years while we all struggle with the havoc that he’s wrecked our society and the world at large!
    At the end of the day the joke will indeed be on us and that’s why he’s laughing so hard.

  4. Unfortunately their statements are correct, Obama will do anything for what he thinks is a good legacy for him.

    Iran deal is what he feels holds true to his political speeches he gave, regarding diplomacy. Even though everyone knows that Iran is untrustworthy.
    Obama figures I have a year and change in office, what ever happens after that I will blame the next president, just like the left blames Bush for N Korea getting the bomb (because it was discovered on his watch).

    This is evil, the people in the administration are evil.

    And they sit and bring the biggest marketing people to market this deal in a positive light. And what they came up with is as outlandish as anything anyone can dream of. ” without the deal there would be war”

    These people really think that most people are too stupid to figure this out. They maybe right, who would have thought that he would win reelection?

  5. And what did he comment when Iranians shout constantly “Death to America.” I hope Americans wake up and realize what an empty suit he really is

  6. Mr Obama is right that the American people deserve better. What they deserve better is a better president. I would venture to say that any of the Republican candidates would be better than the present anti American imposter president.

  7. Is this the best that the Kenyan can do? If someone disagrees with his dangerous Iranian decision they are branded as sad or ridiculous? Is one not allowed to differ with this tyrant race hustler?

  8. For the record Mr. President, claiming that not approving of this terrible deal will lead to war is at least as “ridiculous if it weren’t so sad”.

  9. “…Would be ridiculous if it weren’t so sad.”
    Funny, that’s exactly what I and everyone I know think about Obola.

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