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Photo Essay: Hagaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita ‘Upsehring’ Children On Lag Baomer (Photos by JDN)

8c8b5a9ce0000e32cf5dd4b63de57e0ad1669637d43e6590d8ae8ef62e5ff334 be61ad1efaa24ac3f7195c1cf6720387 b044884d6e52a29a8c0dc751c64bcec6 a52eafa1e119d83cc067ae5b47036aab 036051ed73bbde00f73d02bb0387826f 2968bc363f83d6541199528ad9eac74d 81e604546686f28a57b5c8b48f03f0d4 24bdd681509f43c2da5e7574ad53327a 9ba3dc405684733190f6a7b708d6b5828b0842d9bd9cd9218eae701fc1b15f03 4f170aad329d0bc511c28622a2c4e256

4 Responses

  1. Amazing! A shtreimal, a bent down hat, a serugi, a leather yarmulke. . . Must be photo-shopped. Do you really think the Chareidi Gadol and/or his henchmen would let all these other types of so-called Jews into his Daled Amos? Unless we don’t understand. Just saying.

  2. I recall that when a talmid brought his child to my rosh yeshiva, who was one of the litvishe gedolim of the previous generation, he asked why are you bringing him to me, bring him to a barber. This was never a minhag by the litvishe, this is a chasidishe minhag.

  3. Shuali, it’s not photo-shopped. The first one (with srugi) is my brother-in-law and his kids. Let’s enjoy the achdus that we do have.

  4. @basya6 – I apologize if my sarcasm was missed. I am well aware, personally aware, of Rav Chaim’s love for Yidden, all Yidden. I have seen similar ahavas Yisroel from Rav Shteiman, Rav Shmuel Auerbach, the Rebbes of Bobov and Vishnitz, of Stolin and Loitzk, and from Roshei Yeshiva and Rabbonim of America.

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