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WATCH:Donald Trump’s Full Speech At The 2016 Republican National Convention

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  1. I did listen to Donald Trumps speech at the Republican Convention and found he made many excellent points.
    He said enough of the political correctness and lies. The top priority is truth and Protecting the USA.
    That if we are looking for lies and fabrications we can wait for the Democratic convention.
    He also referenced Israel as our greatest ally in the region.
    Admittedly during his campaign I felt at times he was rude and bullying to his opponents but I recognize we will not find a 100% perfect candidate for office. And I did not hear any racist or anti-Semitic references!
    How can he be anti-Semitic if his own daughter and grand-children are Jewish. If Indeed Racists and White Supremacists Say Donald is their man – they Are Obviously STUPID because his daughter Is Jewish and his grand children are. He’d probably SHOOT them if the racists come near them with racist intentions.
    These accusations seem to be from the lying and Political Correctness of the DEMOCRATS.
    Hillary seems to be Proud of President Obama’s accomplishments.
    She was IN FAVOR OF THE IRAN DEAL DURING THE IRAN DEAL DEBATE! Trump was Against! She condemned Palestinian Incitement but Did Not say it will stop Just as Her hero Obama just keeps paying them! Donald said it Will Stop! He did not say we should keep out of Nato – but that he wants all our allies in Nato to share their fair share.
    He said we are at war with Islamic Terrorism! And that we should keep out immigrants from places where there is radical islamic influence till we can securely vet they have our values and not Jihad values. That is RIGHT! Otherwise its POLITICAL CORRECT SUICIDE! I Like What I Heard from Donald Trump! He also mentioned as Secretary of State Hillary had thousands of classified emails she deleted on her private insecure server that could not be investigated. I noticed before the Attorney General dismissed her she met with Bill Clinton! Donald said the system seems to be corrupt. It seems interesting what he said. These are very important foods for thought. Hillary was Secretary of State and I don’t recall her then being nearly as tough on Palestinian incitement as she was with Israel daring to build Jewish homes in Jerusalem.

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