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Israel: Government Fleet to be Replaced

The leasing agreement for government vehicles and Israel Police is about to expire and the government is preparing to replace the government fleet.

This means 11,000 vehicles are going to be replaced, a NIS 1.1 billion deal. The new acquisition is done in phase, beginning with a tender to price vehicles with 1.4 liter engines. The government will acquire 1,000 in this class. These are primarily for Israel Police. Thousands of 1.6 liter engines will be acquired in the coming two years, but this will be based on an existing contract and not a new tender.

Many government offices are waiting for the vehicles, which are delayed two years in some cases as a result of a 2006 Jerusalem District Court ruling demanding the government stagger tenders addressing vehicle purchases and vehicle maintenance.

A petition was filed by garages and parts distributors challenging the practice by which the government bought a package deal from dealers, including vehicles, service and parts. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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