Reply To: Shidduch World

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The single best thing parents of girls 21-25 can do is pay someone to look out for their daughter. No different than tutoring or any of the myriads of other services out there.

Whether the proper approach is to hire a shadchan who is already overwhelmed or perhaps to hire a individual who is not so harried such a a go getter who has access to the types of boys appropriate to that specific girl is debatable.

How many “paying customers” should one shadchan be allowed to take under their wing is also debatable as it is unrealistic for any one individual to focus on more than a couple of girls- It just doesn’t work.

However the basic concept is pashut. Take it or leave it, no one is forcing it on anybody.

I”m curious what does one get for $360. How is it monitored. How do I know that I’m getting special attention? Obviously no one can guarantee a marriage but is it blind trust through a website (bad idea) or am I guaranteed something???