Reply To: Eretz Israel? Or the Land not Inhabited by Jews

Home Forums Eretz Yisroel Eretz Israel? Or the Land not Inhabited by Jews Reply To: Eretz Israel? Or the Land not Inhabited by Jews

Little Froggie

I’m sure you meant to write “we were blessed with the wonderful matono of ERETZ YISREOL. And that since His shavua to the Avos, not a recent invention (nothing to do with the “assistance” or better yet hindrance of those in direct opposition to HaShem).

And according to the Gra it would be an issur diorysa of chukat hagoyim” – to celebrate or give any credence to that “Yom”… (especially since that was the main ????, erev Shabbos ???? ?????, (or maybe afterwards) “let us be like all other nations… our might…”) Can there be any bigger issur of chukas hagoyim, where they’re actually trying to BE like all other goyim?

I think the Gra did not celebrate.