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Joseph: I’m so impressed that you remembered my random question!!!!! It’s very heartwarming to see that another Yid actually listens and cares. I’m sorry it took so long to reply. I’ve been refreshingly away from the computer for a while.

Unfortunately we are still stuck in the same situation with no progress (yet!). Perhaps I should have been more specific that #1: we are looking for a Yeshiva Gedolah (not mesivta) and #2: If we’re talking Brooklyn, we’re talking a place that has dorm facilities. The few “combination” yeshivas that we found (like Veyelipol… Tal Torah… Noveminsk) were on too high a level. The other yeshivas that we looked into were either too litvish or too chassidish or too modernish…Ideally we prefer a small yeshiva. He still needs a bit of hadracha. When yeshivas hear that he is at home and not learning anywhere they immediatly assume that something is wrong and turn us away. There is nothing wrong with him. He’s the type of boy that any yeshiva would be proud of. His middos are exceptional. The only problem is that he is not a straight A student and will probably need a tutor. Does that pasul him? We are very quiet people and don’t have any “protectzia” anywhere. Then again, I remind myself that we DO have protectzia. The best one can find. And that’s, of course, Hashem. Hopefully, he will find his place soon.