Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control) Reply To: Out Of The Mailbag: (Flatbush Kiddush: Tznius & Drinking Out Of Control)


People have to stop being judgmental. if people have a serious problem with the tznius in their community, they should talk to their rav, not send email to the editor of a website, that is ludicrous. it is an attempt to feel good about themselves that they are “doing something”. in my neighborhood, marine park, a rov was told about the problem, and he spoke about it on shabbos with seichel and a bit of class. to some people he made a roishem, on others it didn’t. a tv has nothing to do with it. (i do find it funny that ishbainanoshim uses fughedaboutit in his message, which comes from movies and television shows portraying Italian mafioso slang!)

tznius is something that there is no black and white. most people here kleep on saying that the knee needs to be coverd, and the elbow needs to be covered. they clearly never learned a halacha of tznius in their lives, and just roboticaly repeat what people have told them. hilchos tznius is not really learned in yeshivos thoroughly due to the fact that rebbeim consider it not tzniusdig. that is stupid, and leads to these problems. it MUST be taught. the halacha is about the bone of the thigh and the bone of the forearm.. there is a “MACHLOKES” as to whether the elbow and knee are part of this due to these bones being a ball and socket connection. most rabbonim hold that they must be covered. again, most, but some disagree, and say that covering up to the knee and up to the elbow are fine as well. calling these people goyim is just ignorant and pure sinos chinam.

you want to change things letter writers one and two, go to your ROV, not yeshiva world. if you have daughters, have them speak to other girls in your shul. have your wife speak to the other wives. but of course, since you don’t due these things, i take it your both coward-like creatures who hides behind the rhetoric and pseudonyms of the blogosphere, not even being man enough (or women enough, but i doubt your women) to say what neighborhood your from.

Moderator – i think from now on, you should put first names and last initials on the mailbag letters, like in newspaper letters to the editor.