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I think everyone has very good intentions but are making one big mistake. It is beautiful to help another yid or child especially in an emergency (Yes, I agree, even finding Shoes!!). However this is a very fine line. The following will show you how important it is to have Kabbollas Shabbos earlier rather than later:

// Story number one: The Chofetz Chaim was already very advanced in age and was not accepting visitors when he was notified by a very distressed couple that their child who is very sick and about whom the doctors had already given up hope. He allowed them to come in and told the woman that if she would be ready for Shabbos at Chatzos the child would have a complete recovery. She listened to his advice and miracuosly, the child went through a complete turnaround which amazed all the doctors.

// Story number two: There is a famous family in Flatbush that have a married daughter who did not have children for a while. They went for a brocho to the Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok from Eretz Yisroel ( A famous tzaddik!). He told them that if their daughter would accept Shabbos five minutes earlier she would have a child. Indeed, a short time later, she gave birth to a healthy little girl!

// Story number three: The father of the Rama by the name of Reb Isserel was a successful silk merchant who

had a committment not to work past Chatzos on Erev Shabbos. Once, shortly before closing time an aristocratic cutomer was slowly purchasing a tremendous order. Upon realizing his committment, Reb Isserel told his potential customer that he is sorry

he cannot accomadate him. This was a great loss to him but he held steadfast to his

minhag. As a reward for his sacrifice, he was zoche to the Rama who the entire Klal Yisroel benefits from forever! ( Source: Sefer Rachemei Hoav – The merchant was a actually the satan who was sent to test him.)

I want to relay to everyone that I understand all of your situations. I myself went through them, but upon realizing my mistakes over the years, corrected them. I’m just wondering: If a person had a meeting with someone at an appointed time who would hand them a billion dollars, would the person come late because he was trying to find a pair of shoes or sew on a button!?

Shabbos is the source of Brocho. Rav Potash from Erez Yisroel told my brother who resides in Clifton, New Jersey that if you want to have parnossa then you should be mekabel shabbos early and eat melave malka right after shabbos! This is the meaning of Likras Shabos Lchoo ( In The beginning ) V’Nalcho ( at the end ) Kee Hee Mekor Habrocho for it is the source of blessing.

I myself have noticed how people doing “chessed” on erev shabbos, do so right before shabbos, but procrastinate and wait and wait and wait. When its time to go to shul they get delayed and blame their tardiness on mitzvos that just “happened” to come up.

This is the wrong way to handle erev shabbos. The Gemara anda person Shulchan Oruch tells us that a person should prepare for Shabbos early in the morning!!! not right before Shabbos. The Shulchan Aruch and the Gemara both state that a person who works after the zeman of mincha erev shabbos ( 2 opinions if this means mincha ketana or gedolah ) does not see a Siman Brocho.

May we all merit to be mekabel shabbos properly and may we all be zoche to see the coming of Moshiach soon!!!!!