Reply To: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach

Home Forums Yom Tov Pesach Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach Reply To: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach



Another simple question: Do you concede that somebody buying exclusively gebrokts products drives the prices of non-gebrokts products up the same (beyond negligible) amount that buying only non-gebrokts drives up the prices of gebrokts? It’s a simple yes or no question that you have consistently evaded.

And if the answer is yes (which I see no reason to doubt), then aren’t we all equally of “causing people to purchase more expensive non-gebrachs you are taking food away from poor single mothers with kids money for food to support your shitta. Shittos arent in a vaccuum, Kol Bnei Yisroel Arevim Zeh Lo Zeh and you are causing these people to starve“?

As Avi K put, the witness will answer the question…