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This is what ZD said “I read many seforim in english and Ive read regular secular english books. the english of the seforim is many times terrible and irreadable.

Those who plan on writing seforim in english would do well to learn to write proper english writing and grammar skills”

He completely changed his tune because he very specifically said “Seforim”

Very different from story books and fiction.

And everyone knows that is is disengenuous to compare books written for a kosher market to secular fiction. It is also inane to compare every writer to Charles Dickens or Mark Twain. (Besides that ZD completely missed the underlying themes in Dickens). There is plenty published in the secular market by brand name publishers that are much worse qualitatively than what is distributed by AS, CIS or Feldheom or any of the other Jewish publishers.

Could there be better developed stories, probably, but most current writers try to accomplish that by including all sorts of gratuitous filth.