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DY: It’s not lifnei iver, because although the listener has to be choshesh that it wasn’t actually said b’apei t’lasa, the informer knows that it in fact was, and that the listener was not actually oiver on anything.

This doesn’t actually work. It is assur to be machshil someone to do something that he thinks is assur even if you know it to be muttar. Tosfos in Kiddushim (32?) explains this because נתכוון לאכול בשר חזיר ועלה בידו בשר טלה צריך כפרה, and to be machshil someone in this is Lifnei Iver. The Ritv”a there seemingly argues with Tosfos, but the C”C paskens like Tosfos in a few places, both in Mishne Berura and in Chofetz Chaim in regards to Loshon Horo.