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Home Forums Kosher Alcohol Beverages (Wine, Bourbon, Vodkas, Scotch) Source for not saying the word “cancer?” Reply To: Source for not saying the word “cancer?”



Im sorry for your loss, may you know no more tzar.

“btw “heart attack” which is used often is a bigger killer than cancer.”

I dont think that is correct. Although if you change “Heart attack” to “Heart disease” then it is true. For now, if current trends continue then Cancer will surpass Hear t disease in a few years.

While Heart disease is a bigger killer than cancer. This is true for those >65 (and the general population as a whole since those >65 make up more deaths than those < 65) Cancer is among the leading causes of death in EVERY single age group other than infants <1 month. and it is THE leading cause of death in those aged 5- 64 (if you remove accidents, homicides and suicides)

I think LU’s point is true too “I think it’s also because people view cancer as an invader coming and invading their body,”

Plus see my comment on the thread linked above where I give anothr distinction or two