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Addendum- Rav Yisroel Salanter refers to Yiddish as “zhargon” (jargon) in his letters. Yiddish was looked down upon as an Ebonics of its time, neither pure German nor pure Lashon koidesh, the language of the course balagalos. In the Reb Velvel biography volume one, it shows how Reb Chaim would tell little Velvele “breng mir der mayim” instead of “breng mir der vasser” because he wanted his son to know loshon koidesh. The Reb Chaims I break my teeth on every day are written in loshon koidesh not Yiddish. This is on top of the mishna brura’s ironclad psak as the poseik acharon that it wasn’t holy.

I’m going to move on from this topic, but soif kol soif- oyb vilstu zugn is yiddish iz a heileger shprach, bistu dingen zich oyf der heilige Mishna Brura. Hayitochen?!