Reply To: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫

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Truthishidden: unfortunately, much like doomsday, you don’t know any science and just keep passing along the fake science promulgated by anti-vaxxers. Here’s the REAL story about monkey kidney cells:
You do find monkey kidney cells on the ingredients list of some vaccines, notably the inactivated polio vaccine (Vero cell line), but that certainly isn’t the same as monkey kidney tissue.
The virus or bacteria in a vaccine has to be grown in something. That something is typically a cell culture – cells growing in a culture dish.
The virus or bacteria that you grow – the antigen – is then released from these cells and purified. The original cells from the cell culture aren’t in the final vaccine that a child is given.
So while monkey kidney cells might be on the ingredients list of a vaccine because they were used to make the vaccine, they aren’t actually in the final vaccine product.
Again, false science from the anti-vaxxers.