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Baruch: Male, mashgiach, prefers when his watch is in proper working order. A broken hand caused him some strange psychological symptoms, or is something else at play?
Dr. Panner: Male, works as a doctor, but also works secretly at the restaurant at which Baruch is an undercover mashgiach.
Two Chinese men: Might be a hallucination.
The doctor: Is an unnamed doctor who appears in the story. May or may not be the same person as Dr. Panner, but I’m assuming that not, because Baruch is suspicious of Dr. Panner.
Aliza: Female. Happily married to Baruch, but concerned about his health. Works as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. Owns considerable illiquid assets.
Annie Sakanah: Female, Aliza’s sister, who lives on a ranch. Married to Biz. Has guns and a pet snake, and is the type of person who likes guns and snakes. Can treat a bullet wound while driving a car. Loving mother and wife, and a generally nice person.
Washington Business Sakanah: Male, Annie’s husband. Nice guy who can help anyone with a business related question, typically referred to as Biz. Has only one gun of his own. Caretaker to the snake. One-quarter Japanese, but unfortunately racist against Japanese people. Got involved in a messy mayoral race with O’Keefle, and had to do some mind control on a crony for the good of the town.
The baby: Annie’s and Biz’s baby, who doesn’t have a name because they couldn’t agree on one.
The other children: Annie and Biz have an unspecified number of children. They buy a stock from Aliza.
O’Keefle: Male, half Irish, Chinese, all mean. Running in a race against Biz, and playing dirty.
O’Keefle’s crony: A crony of O’Keefle who once threatened Aliza. Controlled by Biz using drugs.
Biz’s mother: Half Japanese, engages in Multi-Level Marketing and other despicable practices.
Biz’s Grandmother: One of Annie’s best friends, a Japanese woman who never told her grandson that she is Japanese.