Reply To: The Lubavicher Rebbe “Shlit”a”

Home Forums Life Stories The Lubavicher Rebbe “Shlit”a” Reply To: The Lubavicher Rebbe “Shlit”a”


There are many rayos, clear clear rayos that yushka is mashiach. And i mean clear clear rayos.
Im not gonna go through them now, because it is all apikorsus and a waste of time.

Simple answer is, Hashem wrote the Torah in away that allows messed up people to read into it and mess up more, while more upright people will see the emes in the Torah.

Everything is in the Torah. Everything. Hafach bah vihafach buh dikulo bah.
So you will find a remez that the lubavitcher rebbe is mashiach, and that he is still alive, because everything is in the torah, and there are people who believe such things, so you will find it. You will also find references to mohammed, and to president trump, and george Washington…. its not important practically though, because everything, and I mean everything is in the Torah. Lies and truths. A person can twist the torah to find his lies.

Keep looking around those areas that say the rebba is mashiach, let me know when you find the remazim to sheker dorton.

Did anyone ever address this point- do “these proofs” say that the rebba is mashiach ben dovid? We do know that there is a concept of mashiach ben yosef, and that he might die.

No way in heck that is the rebbe? He has to be a dead mashiach that comes back? I mean come on, you have an opening to say he really was mashiach, ok maybe, albeit the first mashiach who paves the way for mashiach ben dovid? But you dont take that approach, you go for an approach with no mikoros.

Of all the times i have inquired from meshichists about their sources, the only answers I have heard are-
A. Not gonna explain it to you
B. I know a guy who really can explain it to you, a real smart guy who can shlug you up.

Ok. Lets hear.