Reply To: Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

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Reb Eliezer

Women don’t say שעשני אשה because men have more mitzvos than women. They say in the positive because by women it was beneficial for them to be created, whereas by men נח לו לאדם שנברא משלא נברא would have been easier to be born than not to be born. Explains the Meharsha that we would have accomplished more by not being created than being created since there are 365 negative commandments and only 248 positive commandments. Once we were created יפשפש במעשיו, he should scrutinize his actions, through teshuva meahavah where averos turn into mitzvos gaining another 365 positive commandments to 613 or ימשמש במעשיו accentuate his actions, ,through kavono in mitzvos doubling the amount of positive commandments to 496.