Reply To: Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush?

Home Forums Politics Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush? Reply To: Why are the liberals going to bus dangerous youths from OOT into Flatbush?

meir G

which yeshiva in flatbush is looking for space , every school is trembling at the “exodus” of young families , for the first time our major mosdos are running full page ads in the FJJ, schools that until a few years ago had 30 kids in a class and you couldnt get in have now 23 and more accepting
do u daven in flatbush ? isnt shul less full than 7-8 years ago ( aside from a few new ones )
flatbush is full of big houses with 2 people living there 6 months out of the year
did u notice the foot traffic on j 3 stores closed in the last 6 months