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yankel berel


Going back to our previous discussion re mashiach min hameitim-
It is clear from RAMBAM that he was concerned about lack of credibility .

That any and all pretenders to the throne can and therefore will attempt to usurp it.
He [in igeret teiman] states with certainty that it [false pretenders] will happen in the leadup to the true mashiach.
So how are we [klal israel] meant to differentiate between the pretender and rightful possessor of mashiach’s name ?

[Rambam similarly is concerned [hilch yesode torah] about the differentiation between a navi sheker and navi emet . How can we know who is emet and who not ? ]

In the case of mashiach, RAMBAM gives us a simple test . Results.
It is results based .
So if someone CLAIMS the mashiach mantle , he is directed to the RESULTS TEST.

If he passes – he is the rightful possessor . If he fails, he is a false pretender.
Failing – according to RAMBAM [and RAMBAN too], constitutes of the claimant’s demise without the expected results.

So here the point comes. If a person failing the test [because of his results-less demise], is accorded a second chance to produce results, then per force there is no test whatsoever. He can ALWAYS claim a second coming during which he produces the results …..

Thus by sheer logic , there CANNOT be a second chance nor a second coming.

But in the case of Daniel, or anyone else similar to him , who never laid any claims , never failed any test. So why should someone like him be disqualified ? Provided of course that the RBSH’O is willing to revive him first , that is.

Am happy to hear any question on the above.