Reply To: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now? Reply To: I Guess I’m Pulling for the “Chabad Media” Now?


I didn’t say anyone here is saying or believes that Hashem has a guf. I’m saying you are now arguing about people believing that Hashem has a guf and thats why its so stupid that you are you arguing over this because I assume that people don’t believe Hashem has a guf. The argument is whether one can see it from the Totah that Hashem doesn’t have a guf. I said it clearly shows in the Torah that Hashem has no guf.

Neville, this comment of yours,
“But, you would have come up with this on your own anyway, right? Because this is all “pashut pshat” according to you, right?”
is so incredibly immature. Grow up.