Reply To: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity Reply To: ‘No Hat, No Jacket, No Davening?’: A Shul’s Sign Challenges Unity


Neville > If someone were anti-hat, but also anti-mask, they would get a pass in my book, but I doubt that’s the case. For those who aren’t, they need to take a serious look at themselves and whom they are having respect for in the world: fellow frum Torah-observant yidden, or blue-haired, atheist, commie scientists who believe there are 72 genders and that everyone should be psychotically germaphobic.

This is crazy. Torah observant yidden wore multi-colored clothes, caps, and turbans centuries before someone decided that black hats are in.

And this is against the gemorah too – that advises not to impersonate Talmid Chacham and to close windows or flee during an epidemics.