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some of the posts here make alot of sense and are great ideas
the best Hishtadlus is Tefilla!
we can all take advantage of this coming sunday night the 8th day of Kislev is Yahrtzeit of a great Tzaddik buried in Har Hazeisim
Rav Asher Lemel Levy who was Av Beis Din in Yerushalayim and brother of Rav Nachu Shadiker
the Tzaddik died 174 years ago
Rav Yehoshua Leib Diskin sent so many people to his grave to Daven for a Zivvug and so many people found their shidduch that same year
all of the Gerrer Chassidim also go there on this day since the Chiddushei Harim Zatzal sent people to him
the Segula is to be part of a Seuda in memory of this Tzaddik and promise to attend or sponser part of a Seuda next year after the shidduch will be found
you can light a candle Leiluy Nishmas
הרב אשר לעמיל בן ר’ אברהם זצל
a large gathering will take place this coming sunday night for Tefillos for shidduchim in Yerushalayim followed by a ride to Har Hazeisim late at night
you can call Sod Hachashmal phone line to hear more and many divrei Chizzuk 026647979 [ex. 21 is in english] [ex 73 is a volenteer who writes down the names and accepts Tzdaka 22 shekel per name via credit card
all of the money – every penny – goes dierectly to needy Talmidei Chachamim and widows]

those who cannot attend can send names for Tefilla

warmest Mazel Tov wishes to all the many people who will definetly get engaged this year!