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Welcome back. You don’t need to be afraid to address me directly – I won’t bite your head off – I promise.
I don’t have the time or koach to answer you or sjs in depth anymore – it’s just too draining. However I will try to deal with all issues – b’kitzur – no doubt to the delight of brooklyn19.
1)As far as “kocha d’hetaira odif”. The fact remains that you are incorrect. It is not BETTER. See Sdei Chemed & Minchas Shlomo daf 2a. If one has to “use his brains” to come up with a psak which happens to be l’chumra, that’s BETTER.
2)99% of the “kullos” from Rabbonim over the generations such as eiruvin & treifos etc. which as you correctly point out fill volumes of tshuvos, were given DUE TO THE HARDSHIPS – FINANCIAL & PHYSICAL IN THOSE TIMES.
However nowadays there is no need to rely on such “kullos” & we can revert back to keeping the halachos without relying on kullos.
With all due respect, that does not make everyone “machmirim”. On the contrary, till now we were “maikilim”!
If this is the opinion of the Rabbonim nowadays (not to beat a dead horse) then I’ll rely on their opinion thank you very much.
I personally know of a case with a very prominent chareidi Rav who in the world is considred to be from the MAJOR “Machmirim” concerning a person who found out in mid-life that he was a “mamzer” & this Rav worked literally yomam v’laila for a MONTH to try & find a heter.
1)Didn’t catch the tounge in cheek – sorry.
2)You are driving me nuts with the TV thing. THE FACTS ARE that 99.99999999999% of people who have a TV are spiritually damaged by it. PERIOD. If you think that you are not – bevakasha – do as you wish. Just PLEASE stop defending it!!
3) About most people having a Rav. Maybe I’m wrong about the statistics, I guess the only way to find out is to take a poll. (But I think I’m right 🙂 )
4)To quote you, “I dont think you being more machmir in your approach makes you a halachically better Jew”.
The Mesilas Yesharim disagrees. (Obviously referring to aperson who is “holding on that level”).
5)”it is technically OK to ask different rabbonim different questions, even if you just want to rely on what each Rav is maikel on. Obviously not ideal, but still OK]”
If I am understanding you correctly – definitly NOT OK.
6)”I do want to add that the mussar movement was sort of radical in its time – all changes are usually considered radical until fully accepted”.
It’s time was 150 years ago.
It’s been fully accepted for over 100 years.
As far as Mesilas Yesharim specifically, allow me to remind you that the Vilna Goan who said he would WALK from Vilna to Italy to learn from him passed away 211 years ago.
Do you think Chassidus has been accepted? That was STARTED TWENTY YEARS AFTER THE RAMCHAL WAS NIFTAR!
7)”I think chumras are more of a personal thing and each person (with the help of their Rav) should decide what to take on”.
poor mods. they gotta read through all these.
Just remember – It’s harder for me to write these things than for you to read them. 🙂