Reply To: Chumros = Kids Off The Derech?

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“Nobody is vilifiing anyone for keeping any amount of chumros, we are just asking that you or black hatters in general shouldnt look down on people who either dont hold of or dont keep your chumros”.

The amount of black hatters who look down on people who don’t hold of or don’t keep their chumros is no more than the amount of MO who villify black hatters for keeping chumros in the first place.

OK, I’ll just come out & say it straight, which will no doubt trigger a stream of angry responses.

There seems to be a bit of a double standard, not restricted to this website rather in the frum world in general.

If G-d forbid a black hatter speaks or feels negatively toward the non-balck hat community he is mamash considred a jew-hating rasha m’rusha anti-semite & the cause of all children going off the derech & holding back mashiach from coming.

But wait a second, who’s the great oheiv yisroel calling him all these names????


The anti chareidi posts in the CR (not this thread in particular) put to shame any others in respect to the depths of sinah from which they are written.

It kind of reminds me of our good friend “The Reverand” Al Sharpton who seems to feel that any slight word against his people smacks of racism while spewing hatred out of the other side of his mouth toward the very people he hates for supposedly hating him.

My personal feeling are in tune with the profound words of Rodney King (remember him?) who said: