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gavra, I’ll have to double-check. Yasher Koach!

Doesn’t the Baraisa on 80a state that if a Ger inherited dogs, he need not sell them all immediately, but that he can sell them one by one? The Prishah says that the Beraisa discusses a convert, for it is uncommon that a Yisroel would violate the Chachamim’s enactment against dogs, but that if he did, the same applies (his heir need not sell them all immediately). The Baraisa on 83a says that a dog could only be raised near the border of a city? And R’ Eliezer HaGadol says that raising dogs is like raising pigs and teaches that one who does so is cursed.

R Yosef says in Avodah Zarah 22b that an almonah may not keep a dog. The Yam Shel Shlomo 7:45 says that an almonah may not raise a Kelev Kufri, (it is small and doesn’t bark), which is the only kind of kelev anyone can raise. Rambam (Hilchos Nizkei Mamon 5:9)says that the Chachamim forbade to raise dogs because their damage is great and common.

But the Mishneh Halachos (5:296) states that the permissability of raising a dog depends on the time, place and person. If a person is rich, thieves come with intent to kill or be killed – so he can raise one.