Reply To: Smoking and Shiduchim

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Everybody comes with the story of knowing someone who is 95 and they smoked their whole life! Well good for them!Maybe they have some special zechus going for them!But there have been plenty of people that have smoked aand have died!

THe excuse of “I know plenty people who smoke and they are fine” is like saying

I know someone who jumped off a bridge and didn’t die!Does that mean if a you(chas vashalom)decide to jump off a bridge then you won’t die?!

If you have such a crazy attitude then why don’t you should eat a berry that you are not sure it’s posionous!The same way with ciggarets-except with a twist-every medical proffesional will tell you it killls people (Chas veshalom)

Many Gedolim and big Rabbonim have stated that nowdays if you smoke you are over”Veneshmartem meoed es nafshoseichem”.

We are not living in the middle ages over here!This is the 21st century and we all know the dangers of smoking!