Reply To: Science and Astronomy in the Torah

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I only have time to point out two errors in Joseph’s many posts — but severe errors they are.

The first serious error is regarding his understanding of science. It is not true that it is necessary to reproduce results in a laboratory for something to be empirically true. For example, it is beyond any doubt whatsoever that cigarette smoking causes lung cancer in humans, but chas v’shalom we ever force any human to subject themselves to such an experiment. The idea that we can only falsify but never prove was essentially proposed by Popper, but he was not a scientist!

The second serious error is that he presents a 150 year old Christian argument regarding the creator creating an ancient universe that looks young that has no basis in our mesorah. Chas v’shalom that a Jew accept such an argument from a competing religion. I can’t believe that YWN’s moderators allowed such to be posted on a frum site.