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Kids don’t just “leave the fold”, today’s kids are pushed and shoved off the derech. When in our history have there ever been so many broken and dysfunctional homes? When in our history have kids been thrown out of yeshiva without regard to their personal well being like is happening today? When in our history have so many young adults and children been taken away from us in such large proportions? Our frum society is spiraling out of control with too many issues that torture kids and send them on a long dark journey.
People develop many health and mental issues due to environmental stimulus. When so much stress and pressure is put on children, when so much stress and pressure are put on young adults, when so much stress and pressure is put on anyone, underlying issues and illnesses will surface. WE as a society are not concerning ourselves with what the effect of OUR choices and actions will have on our children. Our kids today are walking around with so much baggage and carrying the burden of unbelievable pain to the point that they will do whatever is necessary to be “numb” and oblivious to the pain. Kids self-medicate, self-mutilate and basically self-destruct. It is NOT a choice they are making it is a result of OUR neglect of their needs. Simple and basic needs such as a sense of security, self-worth, self-esteem and self-confidence. Simple and basic needs such as a two parent household, a home filled with joy and shalom bayis, WE are not securing safe and happy Jewish environments for our children.
Kids have two places that supply them with a sense of safety and security. The home is number one and the second is school. If either one of these havens become unsafe or unstable, they start to stumble and fall. Their worlds start to crumble to the point of non-recognition. They carry within them a pain that festers and grows to the point of explosion. Who do they turn to? Who should they trust? Is it any wonder that they wind up (if they are lucky) in therapy and with a diagnosis that labels them with a mental disorder?