Reply To: Over-Educated Girls

Home Forums Family Matters Over-Educated Girls Reply To: Over-Educated Girls



This is what you had a problem with.

“However, not all lawyers want to make partner in a top tier firm. I work in a small to mid-size firm and my main focus is Tax Certiorari. . .”

Any attorney (and many a lay man) worth their weight in salt would have no problem recognizing from the above sentance that I am not an attorney. There is no combination of the words “I” and “attorney” or “lawyer” and no mention of the word “practice”, I dont know about you, but I have never heard of a lawyer say that they “work”.

You say that you have been practicing law before I was born, and for this I respect you. We all have our weak points, maybe carefully going over language is yours…

Kindness… Is that what they are calling it these days?