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rescue37 posted….

mixed swimming is not assur. What is assur is for men to see the women in a bathing suit and for women to show themselves to men in a bathing suit. There is no inherent issur of mixed swimming. What there is though, is an issur of bal tosif, such as, swimming with your wife is assur.

Next you’ll say…..

that ‘eating’ a cheese burger is not assur. Its only the taste and the smell for if you can swollow it whole you don’t get malkos. Its the chewing that gets you. (OK this one I had to thow in because its sounded good but my point…)

Then you’ll say….

that driving on shabbos is not a problem (with new hybrids – no fire (perhaps Bona -building, as the electric circuits need to be ‘built’ for the chips to work)) its the old cars (combustable engines) that were a problem….

Then you’ll say….

that going into a church (as one rabbi did the day before the president’s inauguration) is not a problem because its not real avoda zara its just a social meeting center. (They have plenty of social programs there (soup kitchens, classes, charity drives, bingo.)

Then you’ll say…

that pulling the plug/not feeding a person (Teri Shavo) is the humane thing to do. Why, even injecting a terminal patient with a drug that will allow them to expire is proper and even ethical (Kavorkian). You didn’t kill them nature/science did it.

Does the above sound familiar? Its the three avairos that we must give our lives for.

Well I say to you before you say all of the above, MIXED SWIMMING IS AVEZRAI LZUNUS! Its ASSUR 100% and any person that justifies it is not being honest with themselves. There is no room for this to be debated, especially on these boards. There will come a time when all these silly justfications will come back and haunt you, for in front of the true judge all excuses will sound exactly how they are…. LAME.