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i have ALOT of them….

1. i went out with someone who picked me up on L and Ocean Parkway at a friends apartment because I lived alone at the time. he asked if I mind a bit of a walk to the cafe, I didnt know in advance so I was wearing heels but he said its a five minute walk so I agreed. We walked to kings highway and east 15th. after that, we walked back to the apartment.

2. I went on a date with someone who picked me up and asked me what I wanted to do. I am VERY against pool halls and we had discussed that on our first date. this was the second date. he took me to a pool hall, and in the middle of the date wanted to know if i would mind going to his friends sheva brachos/vurt (dont remember which one) for a bit. he looked insulted when i said ok but that i would not go into the affair with him.

3. he picked me up 45 minutes late and it was absolutely pouring outside. he did not get out to open the door for me, which i did not mind, but he leaned over the seat and pushed the door open, in my opinion, a bit tacky. after a half hour of being lost he threw his cell phone into the back seat and said “i guessed this date wasnt shayach from the start”. he took me to a lounge and ordered himself a wide array of nosh, and then offered me a water bottle. we sat for about three minutes and then he got up and said ok, lets go. When i spoke to the sshdachan after he said…and i quote…”how did you expect him to act, he knew he wasnt interested. maybe you should loose some weight”…this is a well known shadchan, and I paid him ALOT of money to set me up!