Reply To: What have you "given up" to be frum?

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar What have you "given up" to be frum? Reply To: What have you "given up" to be frum?

yossi z.

To respond to the original question: being that I have been around the block a number of times one would think I would be giving up a lot to be frum. While yes from an outside onlooker it may look like I gave up a lot, in reality I feel not only have I not given up (as I find that which I gave up to be meaningless and empty) but I have gained tremendously (an inner contentment, security in my beliefs, real happiness, being comfortable with who I am and what I am doing, etc) what did it for me? People accepting me for who I was and not focusing on what I was doing and (at least outwardly) not caring about what I was doing and only caring just about me. In other words they would keep tabs on how I was doing, whether I was enjoying school/work/etc and wouldn’t say a word about what I did or didn’t eat (except to find out what I liked :)), did or didn’t do, etc. Of course I did all I could to reciprocate by respecting their rules (if they were makpid on cholov yisroel I would only bring cholov yisroel into their house, only particular hechshers they held of? Same thing, no goyish music? None would be heard, and so on). This allowed me to grow and work on myself (with the help and guidance of these people around me as they were always there for whatever and whenever so as soon as I started becoming more frum they were there to help me with that) to become what I am today. A frum, ehrliche, proper yid.

😀 Zuberman! 😀