Reply To: Davening With A Minyan vs. Davening Without A Minyan

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There are only 2 Halachic instances, where Davening BiYechidus supersedes Davening with a Minyan:-

1) If one is about to embark on a long distance trip, even if he will arrive at the destination in time for that same Tefiloh, and be able to get to a Minyan at his destination, he should still pray that service prior to embarking on this trip, even though BiYechidus [assuming he cannot get to a Minyan before embarking on that trip].

2) Mincha MUST be prayed before sunset:- Period!!!!! Even if this entails davening Mincha before sunset BiYechidus verses davening Mincha after sunset with a Minyan. The Mishnoh Beruroh is so emphatic about this Halocho, that there is simply no way around this one.

Just about every other situation, falls aside in deference to Davening with a Minyan. This includes:-

Vasikin BiYechidus verses a Minyan later [but before 1/3 of the day]

Early Maariv with a Minyan verses Maariv BiZemano biYechidus

Schacharis before sunrise with a Minyan verses shacharis after sunrise biYechidus

Mincha on Friday Chanukah before candle lighting biYechidus verses after Chanukah candle lighting with a Minyan

In all of these situations a Minyan overrides the other preference.

Even Tartei deSasrei with Mincha & Maariv at a Minyan overrides davening them BiYechidus at different time frames.