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” “It’s possible for a person to be a CEO, or an electrician, or a garbage collector and still have a seat right next to Rebbi Akiva in Olam Haba.”

Possible? Yes. Likely? Not by a long shot.”

That’s exactly my point, mw13. We can’t judge anyone, you don’t know anybody’s nisyonos and upbringing. You can’t say whether it’s likely or not because you haven’t been to shamayim and taken a census of who is sitting next to R’ Akiva. Saying it’s not likely isn’t something that you can say with any certainty. It’s just an assumption built on your premise that everyone has the same level of challenges as you do, and that every individual’s potential is more or less the same. I believe in psychology that’s called “projecting”. It all goes according to one’s potential which is something only Hashem knows (and to some degree the individual too).