Reply To: DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Reply To: DO NOT JUDGE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sam2 -“Then maybe you should stop saying some of your Halachic opinions here as well. And no, I would normally not be so offensive but your comment warranted that I defend the person you directed that too, especially as (s)he was right.”

Your offense is not reasonable. You’re not the great Poisek you think you are. And that poster is Wrong!

“There is no Heter to make grossly insult someone, especially behind their backs, regardless of if that person did something Assur. Please, try, tell me what To’eles there is in saying “her relative should be ashamed of her”.”

Stop basing the Halacha from what the posters here post. Go back and study the CC chap. 4 and you will see that I’m 100% correct in this case! You don’t need Toeles in cases like these.