Reply To: Yated insert regarding 1000 shofar ritual

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After reading the insert, i called to find out more about it. Being easily swayed, or maybe because i am very naive, I almost went through with it for close family members who are single. Basically you have to pledge $36 for 18 months in order to get the amulet and be a part of the shofaros, which is where 1000 people blow shofar and R’ Yechiel Abuchatzeira reads the list of names with special kavanos. In addition to this, the yeshiva davens for that name until there is a mazel tov. Having alot of emunas chachomim, I was ready to pledge. However after speaking to my husband and other family members I was ‘shown the light’.

How could an organization do this to people?! This is such a sensitive issue and to throw it in peoples faces this way is horrible!!

Guess what I learned from all this? Tehillim, tzeddakah (yep on your own terms!), personal kabbalos, saying a specific tefillah 40 days in a row, etc…it all adds up in your favor up in shamayim and may those personal heartfelt tefillos, acts of kindness, kabbalos, bring us all what we need.