Reply To: Gastritis

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I understand, but your health and well-being is precious and more important than aliyah, seminary and your plans. You have to consider your future, which will be bright no matter what, and life will bring new opportunities to do whatever you want. If you neglect your health, and I will not even refer R”L to any serious problems, let me take for granted you don’t have anything serious, only you feel unwell and it interferes with your studies and social life, then you don’t even notice the opportunities, as all of your strength is devoted to holding on and doing the bare minimum to function. We all have been through such periods in our life, you are no exception, but one thing is if it lasts a few weeks (and even so, at your age it’s very hard, compared to, say, a 30-yr-old going through a difficult time) another thing is when it has been continuing for a while, and it’s not likely to disappear tomorrow. I know, perhaps the program / the other students / the teachers / the therapist / the doctors could and should have done differently, but this is the situation. If you were my daughter, I would tell you to take the first flight and not to worry, even if there is no money – money will be found for another flight and another visa, and we will be much happier to spend money on a flight and supporting you in EY in the future, rather than R”L on health issues caused or exacerbated by trying to hold on at all costs. I would also wish that a daughter or son would let us know about what’s happening, because parents exist to help, it takes a huge effort to raise a child which further increases the natural attachment and affection we have for our children, so we look forward to protecting and helping, we do everything in our power, this is what every parents does and you will too in good time. Please, try to see this from a future perspective, try to imagine yourself and your life in 40 years’ time, what is important is your health and well-being, all the rest will follow.