Reply To: Makeup on Shabbos

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☕ DaasYochid ☕

Nitpicker, both might be true. There’s definitely a teshuvah from R’ Moshe that’s mattir something. R’ Shlomo Zalman and others argued on that teshuvah.

I heard that R’ Blumenkrantz sat with R’ Moshe and tested make-up. It’s very possible that everyone argued with R’ Blumenkrantz about how he understood R’ Moshe’s position. As I said, I can’t figure out how a product fitting the description in the teshuvah would be marketable.

I’m adding that even if one would accept R’ Blumenkrantz’ understanding, he is no longer alive and there is no product currently sold with his or the family’s approval. Also, the very source (reliable to me) that told me that R’ Blumenkrantz sat with R’ Moshe testing formulas also told me that R’ Blumenkrantz was only mattir because people were putting on regular make-up anyway, and that he did not want the families of b’nei Torah using it.