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allsgr8- and occlusion is when the pump for some reason has an air bubble or the tube is bent so it blocks insulin delivery. my issues all had to do with that. its weird i could have like 3 occlusions in a row (SUCH a waste on insulin but i started taking some of it out…. thats a diff story;) and then not have another one for months! BH bli ayin hara i have not had an occlusion in prob 3 months!!! i learned where i can put it that doesnt have scar tissue under the skin cuz thats makes a lot of occlusion probs. and also a few difff tricks, like pushing the bottom of the pod down while it injects itself (another HUGE plus btw… all you have to do is push some buttons and it inserts the tube itself…) there are a lot of hints that you learn with ANY pump over time. remember that anything is gonna be different and therefore difficult to adjust to.

before the omnipod i was on the deltec cosmoniter. i was so thrilled with that. it was big and bulky and i didnt like the long wire it had. before that was the animas pump but that was at least 6 years ago! might have been one between there too…. i cant remember. i have been on the omnipod for 3 yrs now so even if i did rememebr the products well it wouldnt really be helpful if i list them because technology moves sooo fast that the pumps now are so different than the ones a few years back! sorry! but i know abt the omnipod lol!