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too young for D -“hi sorry dint give good details”

You still haven’t explained anything!

“when she eat she ,she goes up but she comes down 2 3 hours after

i wanted to know how high is normal

my daugher goes to 250 300

we have a pump we use the omnipod and navigater”

This is from the ADA:

“Plasma blood glucose goal range(mg/dl)

A1C (%)

Before meals | Bedtime/overnight

A lower goal (8.0%) is reasonable if it can be achieved without excessive hypoglycemia.”

You didn’t say when you’re testing. The ADA says to test before meals and at bedtime & overnite. So if at these times you’re getting 250/300 – you’re over the limit.

Even if you’ve been testing at the wrong times -you can still find out what her glucose status is by testing her A1c. It shouldn’t be higher than 8.5%. See chart above.

If your kid’s A1c is too high, your Doc can lower this by having the pump give boluses along with basals. He/she might be doing this already. You haven’t said anything about the insulin, besides that she is on a pump.

Either way, first test properly, and if the glucose or A1c is higher than what it’s supposed to be – then see your Pediatric Endo for how to lower it. I hope you have one and don’t use your PCP/Pediatrician for this.