Reply To: Itchy Beard Begone!

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If it was upto me I’d be Mevatel all the Dinim of Sefira. Why? Because in our Dor – all I find is people grabbing the Toful and Not doing the Ikkar. They use the Dinim to look down on others. The ones that listen to music or even the ones that listen Acapella are cursed out. The ones that shave or take haircuts during some days are cursed out by others who don’t keep that Minhag. At least during the three weeks people give special Shiurim about Bein Odom L’chaveiro -during this time – Nada!

This whole time of Sefira is to improve Bein Odom L’chaveiro, esp. amongst the Bnei Torah, but all I see is just the opposite!