Announcing a new fan club…

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    I was just rereading the Mishpacha issue from a few weeks ago about Abie Rotenberg, and I decided that I wanted to make a fan club for Journeys. It’s really fantastic. It’s one of those (relatively) oldish albums that teens like me still know and love (so far as I know).

    Don’t start attacking me for calling it old— yes, I am younger than most of you, some of you by a considerable amount, but I still know a LOT more about older Jewish music than the newer stuff. It’s simply a chronological term to separate it from this new stuff which can’t hold a candle to it (sorry Miami, YBC, and all the other singers out there).

    I’m just curious to see who else loves it. Everyone who posts, please post your favorite song or two and why.

    Mine is Mama Rachel (duh) but the other one is Memories, because a close relative who lived through the Holocaust, a very special woman, passed away last year and with her passed away so many memories, so much inspiration, so much emuna and love. Memories really resounds in my heart.

    I’m waiting to hear from you!

    YW Moderator-42

    I heard a story that Abie told about how he came up with one of the earliest Journeys songs. He was sitting in his living room on Friday afternoon watching the sun travel lower in the sky and his wife came into the room and said, “Abie. It’s time…

    …to take a shower!”



    So many good ones. Hard to choose just one. Memories is very touching but so is neshamaleh. There’s also the one about the poor widow and her Shabbos candles. I forget what its called. (I haven’t listened in ages) Personally I think vintage journeys is better than the more recent stuff. It had a different flavor if you know what I mean.


    I’m a big Journeys fan some of my faves include Joe Dimaggios Card, The Eliyahu Hanavi song, and Little Neshomeleh.

    Another name

    Great new topic starter, as I enjoy every Abie Rotenberg song, and consider them all my favorite. My current favorite is “Ride the Train.”


    i like alll of abie rotenberg’s music not just journeys. i have to disagree with WIY i think that they all have a deap meaning its just the music that changed

    ED IT OR

    lol yw mod 42, it goes with ur subtitle 😀

    I’m a carlebach nut/fan.

    anyway I don’t like the word fan, it reminds me of Mr reece and summers with no air conditioning

    though i like that train song in journeys


    Mod 42, I was at Carnegie Hall too


    my favorite is the man from Vilna on J4. i even remember the first time i heard it-it touched a cord. the way music should i guess. j4 is my fav in terms of vocals and accompaniment but j1-3 is my fav in the way of content.

    similar to journeys is a cd called legacy. has anyone else here heard of it?

    ☕️coffee addict

    I’m answering as if its an abie rottenberg fan club and not specifically journeys.

    I’m a big fan of aish (1 & 2) favorite song is retzei and ilan ilan and I loved dveykus growing up

    YW Moderator-42

    squeak, I think you were the guy sitting 2 rows behind me. You didn’t recognize me because it was before I became a mod…

    Lemayseh it was an awesome concert, do you know if there is a recording of it?

    One funny part was Abiw singing “Who spilled milk” with Schwebel and Shlomo Simcha doing the “Not me”‘s


    “this new stuff which can’t hold a candle to it (sorry Miami”

    For what it’s worth, the first Miami album was released when your parents were teenagers- maybe younger, when Jimmy Carter was still president.

    Doesn’t take anything away from Abie and Journeys though. Still great stuff after all these years.


    You should have come and said hello. Of course there is a recording of it, they sent it out to us concert goers around the chanuka following. I am sure I dont know if I still have it, though.

    Lots of funny parts. For me, I enjoyed seeing Moshe Yess because I was a fan of his for a long time. When he made that joke about his name, and it killed like no one had ever thought of it before, it was a great moment. He also debutted the sequel to Ninth man, but they went to Jack Lelainne that time, not the Kosher Gym (no existo).

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    I loved dveykus growing up

    I still love D’veykus – especially the early ones.


    apushtayid: I know when the first Miami came out— I’ve heard the songs and like many of them. (By the way, my parents were teenagers.)

    I’ve also heard songs from the NEW Miami and not liked them— which is what I was referring to.

    Everyone who commented on Dveykus and stuff like that: I’m not knocking that. I love Dveykus– it’s what my mom used to play when I was going to sleep, because a lot of the songs were very peaceful and quiet. I really emphasized Journeys because Ninth Man was playing in the background while I wrote the original post :). I never really listened to Marvelous Middos Machine when I was little, I don’t know why.

    YW Moderator-42

    Never listened to Marvelous Middos Machine? You had a deprived childhood.

    YW Moderator-42

    squeak, I think we might be talking about different concerts. I don’t remember him singing 9th man during that concert. What year was it?


    It was the only time they played Carnegie Hall.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕

    Never listened to Marvelous Middos Machine? You had a deprived childhood.

    It’s not too late…


    DY, one of my sem friends played MMM often while in sem. she and her roomie were obsessed with MMM and destiny. i think its funnier listening as a teen/adult.


    Yeah, I actually listened to it while I was babysitting my cousin and I was laughing hysterically. I’m not entirely deprived though— I do know stuff like “Who spilled the milk on the kitchen floor?” and if you prompt me I can probably come up with more. My cousins grew up on it and I kind of absorbed some of it at their house.

    Was there a video or something? Because I seem to remember one…

    YW Moderator-42

    Oorah put out some videos but I think they were shortened versions of the originals.

    ☕ DaasYochid ☕


    My sister and brother in law bought the new one. Their daughter is less than a year old!

    At least I had an excuse, with children older than that in the house.


    I think there is a difference between the old Miami’s , say until Only One, and the new one’s from the Simcha Song and on. The greatest is Bsiyata Dishmaya. The 2nd Miami Experience was also a great listen, I think that’s the one with the boy that goes to EY and there’s a terrorist attack…


    I have heard that there is a new MMM coming out soon. I can’t wait…

    YW Moderator-42

    Aaron Chaim, it came out before Chanuka… Episode 4 Shnookys Bar Mitzvah, it’s a great CD


    Yeh it was so inspiring!

    Feif Un

    Aaron Chaim: MBC’s style changed before Only One. I agree about B’siyata Dishmaya – amazing album!

    I was at the 2nd Miami Experience, in Brooklyn College. There was so much that they left off the album.

    One major difference between early MBC and now is how much you hear Yerachmiel. On the early albums, he didn’t sing at all. Then he started singing a little bit, then some more, and now he makes himself as much of an attraction as the kids. He needs to realize people don’t come to listen to him.


    I just started listening to Journeys, and i love it!!! I’m, loving country boy and theres no place like home.

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