Buying Shabbos shoes with chessed vouchers

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    Something hes been bothering me, and I decided to start a thread to make a mecho’oh. Someone came to the store recently and bought all their kids fancy shoes for shabbos, andthen paid with “vouchers” from a local tzeddoko organization. While I respect everyone’s right to spend their OWN money their own way, I don’t think ut us fair to spend money received form tzeddoko for luxuries.

    If this person really understood that shabbos would pay back, then they would have paid cash, not waited until they received prepaid vouchers, so I do not think that is the point.


    Shoe store assistant

    I think anyone who got those vouchers is in Kollel or otherwise on some kind of list of people that dont have money and need Tzedakah. Not sure what your problem is. Do you know whats doing in this persons bank account? I once did Tomche Shabbos deliveries and many of the homes looked like nice brick homes belonging to apparently wealthy people. Appearances can be deceiving. Is someone obligated to look homeless for you to believe they need Tzedaka?


    chessed vouchers have nothing to do with indignant families, they’re fundraising tools for the school

    yaakov doe

    For a frum family Shabbos shoes are a necessity not a luxury. Do you expect kids to wear sneakers to shul on Shabbos?


    “If this person really understood that shabbos would pay back…”

    A)Accordingly with the above line of thinking if people do not have money then they should not petition Vaadim or Tomchei Shabbos for food and other expenses for Shabbos.

    Boruch Hashem you had a Mitzva today and helped a family look nice for shabbos and every time those kids run to play, learn, perform a mitzva or daven while wearing those shoes you have a schar in having enhanced their Simchas Hachayim and a piece of mitzvos that they run to do.

    Be Dan Likaf Zechus and thank Hashem for giving you this chance to have been able to so positively enhance these childrens lives.

    The next time someone with vouchers walks through your doors and you feel like making a mechaa use that same koach to repeat to yourself your new motto: BORUCH HASHEM I Am NOT IN THEIR SHOES!


    “If this person really understood that shabbos would pay back…”

    A)Accordingly with the above line of thinking if people do not have money then they should not petition Vaadim or Tomchei Shabbos for food and other expenses for Shabbos.

    Boruch Hashem you had a Mitzva today and helped a family look nice for shabbos and every time those kids run to play, learn, perform a mitzva or daven while wearing those shoes you have a schar in having enhanced their Simchas Hachayim and a piece of mitzvos that they run to do.

    Be Dan Likaf Zechus and thank Hashem for giving you this chance to have been able to so positively enhance these childrens lives.

    The next time someone with vouchers walks through your doors and you feel like making a mechaa use that same koach to repeat to yourself your new motto: BORUCH HASHEM I Am NOT IN THEIR SHOES!

    Dr Uri Bakay

    You know what FRUM stands for don’t you?






    It could be the family buying the shoes is fairly well off but bought the vouchers from the original recipients who had some bills to pay, such as the electric bill. I doubt the electric company accepts chessed vouchers. Hence, the original recipients of the vouchers may still be wearing second hand shoes come Shabbos. But at least they will have their lights on!!!


    How does one go about getting chesed dollars?


    chesed vouchers and chesed dollars are not the same thing. chesed vouchers are tzedaka and chesed dollars are sold by organizations as fund raisers. a person using chesed dollars is doing a chesed by using them when they shop in stores that accept them. Personally I do not understand why the op was so upset that they were buying shabbos shoes. the tzedakah that gave them the vouchers is probably aware that they were purchasing shabbos shoes. I know of a gemach that gives out shoes and each family member is entitled to new weekday and shabbos shoes twice a year. If they do not have shoes for them they give them vouchers to a shoe store. The shoe store helps subsidize it by charging much less or cost for the shoes. If the op does not consider this a need he can give his tzedakah dollars to other places, but in many areas as was said before it is considered normal for children to have shabbos shoes and children who do not would feel bad.


    Which tzedakos give the chesed vouchers? I am in need.


    You buy the Chessed vouchers they are not free. You pay full price for them, but the Tzedakah only pays say 98 cents for every dollar (Kepping 2 cents for every dollar—I dont know the exact amount)

    Its a way to raise money without fundraising since many people are tapped out anyway



    So the one paying with chessed vouchers paid full price for them so basically it is the store that values the voucher that is giving .02 of every dollar spent in their store to Tzeddaka?


    there is a shoe gemach in brooklyn, I do not want to post the contact information online. I can try to get the info and have the mods email it to you if you want.


    WIY thats basically what it is

    Im not sure exactly how much it is . i dont know if its one cent, 2 cents, More or less.

    I dont know exactly who is giving the 2 cents. if its the store or the operator of the Chessed Vocuhers (They sell at begining of school year so they can make something on interest)

    YW Moderator-95

    So to summarize, this thread is based on a mistake. The End.

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