Can you recommend an E-cigarette?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can you recommend an E-cigarette?


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    Working on it

    So I have been thinking about quitting smoking for a while and I think the best way that would work for me would be to use the e-cigs. The problem is, I have tried a couple of them and they were just terrible – not even close to the real thing. I have heard that there are some good ones out there but I don’t know what they are called or where to get them.

    Now, I can’t be certain, but I would assume that one of the readers on here may have some experience or has heard of a product that would work.

    Any help would be appreciated

    Working on it

    nobody has a suggestion?

    ED IT OR


    e Ciggaretes contain nicotine.

    Quitting using nicotine aids is like trying to get a hard drug addict of drugs by injecting it through a cleaner needle…


    No. Actually, nicotine is what makes smoking addictive, but it’s the smokiness that makes it so dangerous, though nicotine isn’t good either.


    Can anyone recommend a good Bourbon?

    I got such a headache last Purim helping my husband finish his bottle of Scotch.


    Well, then, sometimes it’s best not to offer help.


    Logic platnum.


    The e-cigs are now being found to be dangerous (not as bad as the real thing, but still…) Also, if one only CHEWS tobacco, rather than smoke it, it can cause cancer of the mouth, including the lip, tongue, gums, etc. So obviously it’s not just the “smokiness” that is the danger in nicotine, as may have been implied, but rather the actual nicotine. I am not aware at present of any safe e-cig.


    oomis, it could very well be that the other stuff (not the nicotine) that’s in chewing tobacco and snuff is what’s carcinogenic.

    A little googling reveals that “the information about nicotine as a carcinogen is inconclusive” (CDC), but there may be other carcinogens in e-cigs. I don’t think anybody disputes the claim that they’re safer than the real thing.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    as far as I know the nicotine is not the carcinogen (I think the tar is?) but rather the addictive ingredient. Either way I got the impression that it has been found that e cigs are not safer. If I can find the article I read that in I will quote it.

    zvei dinim

    Try “Drop-Smoke,” in BMG it’s extremely popular and it’s Kosher too. I asked people and they all seem to like it. They have a website.

    Also, I have friends who used e-cigs and claim they enjoy them, but then a year later they’re smoking again (some of them). It seems the best strategy with e-cigs, are to use different levels of nicotine juice, slowly weaning yourself off. But then keep it in case of a craving


    Perhaps you are correct about the Nicotine not being the carcinogen – I am not sure about it. But there is no question it is addictive, and they just came out with notification that I read, that e-cigs are not considered so safe to inhale, even though they are safer than actual tobacco products.

    Working on it

    Thank you to everyone that posted, expecially zvei dinim for actually answering my question and providing a specific brand.

    Regarding the whole question of good for you or bad for you, that wasn’t really the questions here. I am sure we can all agree that regardless of the “unknown dangers” associated with e-cigs, they sure seem like a better alternative to regular cigarettes, at least as of now. Even though it contains Nicotine, water vapor is certainly safer than plumes of smoke.

    There is a lot of controversy around the e-cigs because they can’t figure out how to regulate them. The clear answer to a politician is to convince people that they are dangerous – that will surely mean some sort of regulations, and probably tax revenue (they are not really taxed as of now besides regular salestax). That is the real controversy, its all about revenues and control. I once read that if you want to get to the truth – just follow the money trail.

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    That is the real controversy, its all about revenues and control. I once read that if you want to get to the truth – just follow the money trail.

    Yup! that’s why the movie stars are rich and the Rebbe’s are poor.

    (You can’t possibly believe your own comment)


    drop smoke is good (i used it for about a year) and has a hechsher but the device itself can be bought for much cheaper at other places in general any device that uses the ‘drops’ technology and is 5 volts or more is good (i know that jersey vapor has a 6 volt piece for $35 when other places charge $100 for a 6 volt piece)so shop around as a side note going on electric may not be worthwhile as it may be harder to get off from than real ciggarettes (since you get used to puffing the whole day and you don’t have an incentive to quit)


    moderators how long does it take for a post to be put up?

    It depends on how long it takes me to do a background check and get copies of your passport.


    if you did a background check why did you find the three bank robberies i did?


    Mods, I hold if someone is a blazing kanoey, you can let his post through before you see his original passport and driver’s license and marriage license and Medicaid card. Just saying.

    Sounds good, I’ll put you down as his custodian

    zvei dinim


    “as a side note going on electric may not be worthwhile as it may be harder to get off from than real ciggarettes (since you get used to puffing the whole day and you don’t have an incentive to quit)”

    Blazingkanoey, did it help you get off real “blazing” cigarettes, however?


    by the way the drops may be chometz – i know dropsmoke is you should sell or throw it out before pesach and kasher your atomizer by rinsing it in hot water also wipe down all parts

    holy brother

    Fascinating to see how deep the “anti smoking” campaign has gone!

    Wake up dudes, the e-cig is obviously the best alternative to smoking (yes of course stopping is too-very smart), I know people that chain smoked 50 years that stopped.

    Let’s stop the “anti” and ignorant selfishness.

    Drop smoke is a very good option, he’s a great guy, trustworthy, with great service, he will help you with your specific needs. And no I don’t work for him, I’m a loyal customer.


    I recommend you tobacco-flavoured e-liquids. They taste more or less, like the “real thing”.


    lmayseh, u know anyone that ended up really stopping the e-cig eventually? im looking into it a little and it seems like people end up just smoking e-cigs as a replacement for the real thing but never quit.

    i cud be wrong but this is my analysis on a small scale study

    zvei dinim



    I sure do


    I know several people who got sick of the e cigg after a while and returned to real ciggs but i dont think that’s what you mean


    sure do means a lot of people or that you did?

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