Causing Someone to Sin: Halacha Question

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    Let’s say that I am in America, and on Friday I send someone an email in Israel for business purposes. I know the recipient is a non-religious Jew who will likely respond or check his/her email on Shabbos. May I send the email in the first place?

    To a lesser-prevalent, but equally-related topic, can I chat with someone from Israel while it is Shabbos there?



    Im pretty sure both are no but im not going to poskin. Im sure about the 2nd not sure about the first because maybe he wont read it on Shabbos…. Ask halachafortoday at gmail dot com. He answers questions all the time.


    The Maskana of most Poskim seems to be that chatting is without a doubt Assur while sending the email isn’t because you’re not directly causing anything additional (i.e. they have to be checking their email to begin with anyway). This would then become Assur if the person has a smart phone which immediately alerts them to an incoming email.

    Many Poskim are Machmir on both, though, whether M’ikar Hadin or as a practical reality.

    R’ Schachter has a massive Chumra that there is an Issur (he might even hold D’oraisa) of having your Ma’aseh have a Totza’ah come from it on Shabbos. Thus, chatting with an open chat window in Israel (or an open email inbox) is an Issur on yourself, not just a Lifnei Iveir-type Issur.


    WIY – Does “all the time” include on Shabbos? O.o

    jk, of course!


    I asked him, and he said no to both.

    Thank you WIY.



    Im pretty sure he answers questions even though it is still Shabbos in England. :-p


    You are welcome. Keep his email address you will get a lot of use out of it in the future.

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