Overprotective Parents in the Brooklyn Jewish Community

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    To all parents in the Brooklyn community,

    I hope this letter finds you well and you are having a wonderful summer. I would like to bring to your attention something which is very disturbing in my eyes, and that is limited interaction between kids and their counselors.

    A Disturbed Counselor and Branch DirectorO

    added some paragraph breaks for readability


    Parents want some time with their children too, you know.


    I sure wouldn’t want my kids hanging out with a disturbed counselor.


    My wife says this is the creepiest thread ever.

    I think I’ve posted much creepier ones, though. I was joking in those threads.


    IMO parents can never be too protective. Honor your father and mother(‘s decisions.)


    Dear Dedicated Counselor,

    I commend your concern for your campers! I am sure that you have made a huge difference in the lives of these children.

    It’s sad, but times have changed. Many parents are wary, even when it’s not justifiable. Should they be “dan” your intentions “l’chaf z’chus”, sure. But at the same time, they’d rather err on the side of caution for their kids.

    Bracha v’hatzlacha to you!


    My brother’s counselors have arranged pool parties after camp hours for their bunks. I don’t think that’s problematic, especially when parents confirm that the counselor’s parents will be present.

    If, after camp ends, counselors want to arrange things for the whole bunk, I don’t think that’s a problem either.

    If a counselor for a whole bunk wants to take ONE KID out for pizza, I think that’s a bit off.

    I think that the way that this post was written makes the whole question sound even creepier.


    It’s their kid not yours while your intentions may be good its ultimately their call, unfortunately in these times a parent has to be overprotective.


    @moramom @Goq

    Better to be safe than to be sorry.


    Are these the same overprotective parents who leave their babies on the avenue while they shop?


    Dear Writersoul.

    You are absolutely right in terms of a counselor taking one kid from the bunk to pizza, or something similar, but you have to think of the other way, maybe this child needs more T.L.C. (tending loving care) more than anyone else. Could be that the counselor and parents have some sort of arrangement to spend time together for what ever reason it is. People need to be more cognizent and not prejudge a person of who he/she is. Sometimes doing a chesed for a child out of a camp outing could go a long way for a child for years to come.


    But parents hardly ever see their children because they are at school or camp and then they sleep ten hours.


    Dear RebYidd23,

    I am not trying to argue with you. On the contrary, i am with you on this as well. I am not saying that this has to happen very often. What I am saying is that when a counselor wants to arrange something special with his/her bunk during the year every so often (like 2 to 4 times a year, or whatever a person feels comfortable with), parents should not stand in the way of letting this happen.


    So you’re saying you know what the child needs better than his parents know?

    🍫Syag Lchochma

    So you’re saying you know what the child needs better than his parents know?

    do you really find that so hard to believe? I don’t


    I don’t find it hard to believe that he thinks he knows better, but I do think it’s chutzpadik.


    Too many grey areas here. Counselor wants to get together with campers. Great. Where, when, for how long, under whose supervision? These are things any normal parent will ask any time their child leaves together with a group of friends. This isnt over protectiveness, this is parenting 101.


    only in brooklyn… wait what?

    Letakein Girl

    It’s sad, but there are many dangerous people out there. If I’d have a kid, i doubt I’d let him/her go party at a person my age’s house! Many teens aren’t very dependable or responsible. In case of an emergency, would that teen know what to do?


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