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PHOTOS: Putin Meets Chief Rabbi Of Russia Ahead Of Rosh Hashanah, Sends Letter To The Jewish community


During a meeting with the Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar and the President of the Union of Jewish Congregations in Russia, Rabbi Alexander Barda, Vladimir Putin promised that he would help the various Jewish communities across the country with a number of issues that they have been having of late.

The meeting, which took place a few hours before Rosh Hashanah, was called by the Russian President in order to inquire after the status of the various Jewish Communities in the country and in honor of the Jewish New Year.

Rabbi Lazar spoke to Putin about the numerous new communities that have sprung up in different parts of Russia, the numerous students who have joined Jewish educational institutions and the various new buildings built in for the Jewish community of Moscow and in a number of other cities.

Continuing with his annual tradition of sending a letter of blessings and good wishes to the Jewish community before Rosh Hashanah each year, Putin penned this year’s letter and sent it to Rabbi Lazar’s office. This year’s letter was even publicized in the mainstream Russian press.

Putin’s letter read as follows:

“Shefa brachot to the Jews of Russia on the upcoming holiday of Rosh Hashanah.

Celebrating Rosh Hashanah according to the Jewish calendar is one of the more important events in the life of the Jewish community. It gives a great deal of honor to the spiritual traditions and culture of the Jewish nation. It is a joyous occasion, one in which you include the next generation of youth in these ancient traditions. On the festive days themselves, the Jewish people remember the long road that they have traversed, make plans for the future and feel a sense of communal responsibility for the well-being of those less fortunate than themselves who require their help and support.

I am very confident that the Jewish organizations in Russia will continue their efforts in furthering educational development in our country. They will continue their efforts in advanced study, charity, righteous deeds and furthering all of their charitable efforts that the community so greatly requires. I am also confident that they will simultaneously continue to play an important role in inculcating tolerance and good relations between people of different religions within Russia.

I wish you all a happy and sweet new year, a year of peace and success.

Vladimir Putin

The Union of Jewish Congregations in Russia stated that they finished their preparations for all of the Tishrei holidays on the same day as Rabbi Barda met with Putin. The Union sent essential items for the holidays to the hundreds of Jewish communities across Russia. The religious care packages were accompanied by Ba’alei Tefillah and Ba’alei Tekiah as well as assistants for the Chabad Shluchim who lead many of the Jewish congregations throughout the country.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. “Putin Meets Chief Rabbi Of Russia Ahead Of Rosh Hashanah, Sends Letter To The Jewish community”
    “Chief Rabbi…..”
    …………..Are we a tribe of Indians?

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