Seasons Supermarket Bankruptcy, VeZos HaBracha, and the Chofetz Chaim

(By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for Season鈥檚 Supermarket. Chapter Eleven bankruptcy. Rashi on Moshe Rabbeinu’s bracha regarding Shaivet Levi. What do they have to do with each other? The pasuk tells us,聽讜旨诇职诇值讜执郑讬 讗指诪址謹专 转旨只诪旨侄芝讬讱指 讜职讗讜旨专侄謻讬讱指 诇职讗执郑讬砖讈 讞植住执讬讚侄謶讱指 讗植砖讈侄证专 谞执住旨执讬转讜止謾 讘旨职诪址住旨指謹讛 转旨职专执讬讘值謻讛讜旨 注址诇志诪值芝讬 诪职专执讬讘指纸讛 – “And of Levi he said: Your Thummim and Your Urim be … Continue reading Seasons Supermarket Bankruptcy, VeZos HaBracha, and the Chofetz Chaim